Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Auntie Stink did What?

I was doing tummy time with Ronan when Stink called. She said she had cut her own hair. She said it was pretty short.
This was Ronan's face when I told him what she had done.

This is what she looked like when I found her.

Straight right? Yeah, you can't even see the layers she did in this pic, but they are just as "straight".

Ronan thought we should see professional help. He was giggling because he knew she would have to go pretty short to fix what she had done.

And the professional steps in, with a nice shampoo for starters.

Of course she has to take off even more than Rhiannon wanted.

Rhiannon looking depressed.

Me and Beego enjoying every moment of the cut. We don't get out much.

Told you it would be short.

And here she is looking all styled and hip.

Such a grown woman!

Eat your heart out! She even has some Ronan spit up on her shoulder. SEXY!
Never cut your own hair!

5 people had this to say...:

Violet said...

Oh man! I did that once with my bangs... :/

I love her cut -- she looks great!

I want to steal your little man and pinch his chubby cheeks and legs all day... and then I'd buy him ice cream. Wait. Can babies have ice cream? AND, what color are his eyes?! Green? Grey? *swoon*

Candace said...

Your sister looks just like you, especially with the new 'do. Crazy!?!

Merrill Family said...

I Love the HAIR! Tell Stink it looks great now after seeing the pros!

Danny and Kim Noorlander said...

That's one cute kid. I'd never seen him before. (This is Danny.)

Becky Green said...

Awww that looks way good. :) That's funny though. I've cut my own hair before too... my freshman year. It actually didn't look quite as bad, but looking at pictures I wish I had just gotten it done. Also, thank you Rachel! That makes a lot more sense now. I just need to get more in touch with my inner WHAM! and maybe I'll be able to understand them a little better.