Monday, April 7, 2008


I went up to my economic boon, Ikea, this weekend. I got a bunch of stuff. I think I am nesting big time, because on Saturday night I had the energy to clean the living room, kitchen and unused bedroom until 1:00am with Hubby. I was on a roll. Cleaning, not just doing a tidy. We are talking baseboards, windows, mopping, wiping all possible dust surfaces etc. I also built a coffee table and made dinner! Freaky, I know!
I was freaking out about my big scary coffee table and it's baby unfriendly corners, so I got this one at Ikea. I kept thinking of baby using it to practice standing and then smashing his face open on a corner.
Since being preggers I have not had the energy to wipe my own bum, but I guess I am nesting. I have super nesting strength! (Enter super hero voice echo and trumpets here)

Anyway, on to the reason you all thought "Holy heck, I must read THIS blog entry!", the title. Yes, I was violated. By an eight year old perverted girl in the Ikea bathroom!

I was trained never to sit on a public toilet seat. Thanks to my Mom, I still "squat" over them. A little too much info? Too bad.

Anyway, so I am squatting in the lovely Ikea bathroom, and I notice a little pair of shoes at the bottom of my stall door. I look up and there is a huge blue eye looking through the crack at me.

My worst nightmare! I know we all hate those stall door cracks and wonder if people can see us, but I never thought that someone would use one to purposefully spy on me as I squatted in all of my pants down pregnant glory!

I figured, it was just a kid, and maybe she was confused about there being someone in the stall she wanted to use, so I said, "Hello?"

Most kids would startle at being caught, or realize to try another stall, but no this pervert.

She stayed, and kept staring!

So I said, "HELLO!?" again but in a really rude voice this time. She just cracked a smile as she continued to stare.

Finally I heard her Mom come in a yell, "Gracie!" and she disappeared.

Pervert child! I felt so wronged! I have a feeling by the way her Mom yelled at her that she has done this before.

On to something else.....

So this one is for my Mom, she loves the size comparisons. This week Baby B is the size of a 5lb bag of flour, though he only weighs about two pounds. His ears are fully developed so he can hear me jabbering on at work all day. When I stop talking he wakes up and does some dance moves. He is super busy in there, and starting to put on enough of a show that people can see him moving even through my shirts.


(Look at me promoting local businesses!)

My Mom, and Sisters threw me a baby shower last weekend when I went home to Cali. They are the best. I love them. They put so much work into it, and they all got me the cutest baby things! Pictures of that one to come soon! I have to edit out all my extra chins first.

Can I just say, God bless the DVR!?

This weekend was General Conference, and I cannot stand to sit through the entire thing. First of all, I have to get up early to watch it (yes, I said early and I know that makes some of you early birds sick) and then you just fall asleep to it, or at least John and I do.

So I recorded it with my DVR. Now I can skip all the songs, and watch it in small pieces over the week! So cool!

2 people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...

Rachel you weirdo! The baby is not due for 3 months and will not stand up for at least 10 months after that you could have waited on the coffee table for a while!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rachel, I am showing Maylea your blog. She thinks the baby should be called Trae. She would also like to see your big belly before it pops. I think the baby should be called Cool Man Jan. Maylea likes the table because it would be good to put the baby on the bottom shelf to protect him from the dogs. Love, Mommy Liberty