Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blessing Day

Lat Sunday was Ronan's blessing day. A lot of fun people came in from out of town to hang out with us. We had a great time.Here are some pictures.

Auntie Stink came out to start at BYU. Our little zoobie. Here she is having lunch with Nana at Rumbi, where they have awesome sweet potato fries.

Aunt MeMe was reunited with Max. Here they are enjoying a cuddle. Meme also brought with her a sparkling engagement ring. Soon she and G. will set a date and make it official. I am so excited. We LOVE G.!

This Great Grandma holding the first great grandchild. She was so excited. Ronan loves his Great Grandma a lot.

Poor Nana. She was tortured by the dogs her entire visit. Finally she agreed to let them sit on her, as a birthday gift to MeMe, who turned 24 on the 1st. We had to take a picture. This is as rare an occurrence as seeing Bigfoot.

And this is Ronan, tired from all the fun, and a good meal. Thanks for the fun bibs Auntie Stink. Ronan sure needs the with the way he scarfs down a meal.

Nana, could you send us the photo of our little family outside the church? We never got one taken with our camera.

1 people had this to say...:

Anonymous said...

Heeeeeeeey Dudes!!! Liked your description of John as "always ready for fun." No four words could describe him better. But I know one word that describes him better than any other word or combination of words: "Commando."